Tuesday, June 19, 2012

10 down!

Woo did my weigh in after tonight's workout and it said I weighed 165.  That's down 10 pounds from the start of the game.  I have heard the first 10 are the easiest to lose, but hey 10 is 10!  And throw in missing Saturday and Sunday's workouts and eating Six Flags foods and drinking Cokes I'd say that is pretty good :)
More about this weekend later.....

First,  I had missed workout 5...or so I had thought.  The next morning I loaded up the game and found out that i could do missed workouts and it counts.  So for workout 5 I lost 97.8 cals.  And come Thursday's workout # 7 I lost 96.4 cals.

Last week I think I posted about Mio and their water additive....no sugar, cals etc.  Well i went to the grocry store and purchased two additional flavors:  Strawberry Watermelon and Sweet Tea.  I LOVE both of them.  The Strawberry watermelon one is a nice light refreshing drink.  It's nice to have in the morning or afternoon.

  Sweet Tea is as good as my gallon sweet tea I always made with a lipton family size tea bag and a cup of sugar (mixed when the water is boiling).  It is that good.  Before I bought that Mio, I made some sweet tea with only a half a cup of sugar.   That was all I had left plus I was trying to cut my sugar intake.  It was NASTY.  I would rather have water.  Now I have my 20oz water bottl and 2 squirts of mio sweet tea and I'm good to go.  Can't wait to try more flavors!

Oh yes, Six Flags.  We went there on Sat.  It was hot (high was 94 I think).  Add in the heat to a lot of walking (it is a theme park) and there's a workout there.  Add in to going back to the hotel and going on their elliptical for 16 minutes and losing 120 cals. It would have been longer but Danielle was getting bored and wanted to play some shuffleboard.  So even though I "missed" Sat and Sun workouts, I kinda made up for it.  Danielle actually went on this spinning coaster ride.  She really surprised us!  And the huge Ferris Wheel?  I think we rode that 3 times.

Oh and tonight's workout (#10)?  Another 136.9 cals lost.  Doesn't make up for Arby's tonight, but my lunch was light.  Until next time!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Anybody but the Heat

1 down 3 to go.  Since the Mavs aren't playing tonight, I'm pulling for OKC.  Actually I didn't care if it was San Antonio or OKC as long as they beat the heat...not one or two but every time ;)

Well I would give you a 3 fer workout review but #5 was missed on Sunday.  Too much going on and most of it was not inside the house.  You can't move workout days on the schedule too.  oh well.  Will be missing one this Sat also but that's what happens when the summer rolls around.

Oh a bit of extra info.  In the game there are 4 cooldown activities.  During this time I also get 1 aggravation. CAT attack!  Every single day during cooldown patches just has to get right next to me on the floor and basically pester me for lovin.

So, onto workout 4.  And like the first program in which I went crazy and switched from easy to medium on workout 4 which is one of the hardest workouts of the program....I did it this time too.   What did I do?   More weights.....

Those are 5 pounds each.  My plan was to use the previous ones (2.5 max each) for my wrists and those for my ankles.  I figured 5 was too much to jump into so I removed 2 lbs.  At 3 lbs it was still pretty heavy....esp for this evil workout.

I slogged through it with a few breaks.  Workout 6 was not that bad.  Here's the stats for both.

4 ---> Time: 27:14, Cals: 129.4, Avg bpm: 142, Max 180
6 --->  time: 24:24, Cals: 108.9, Avg bpm: 132, Max 173

I compared the numbers to program 1 and they are very close.  I guess the cals burned are based more on the workout instead of  how hard you do it (ie extra weights).  Not sure how much bpm figures into the formula.  But I know I'm getting extra burn with the added 11 lbs of weights.  Good thing too...I might have worked off one or two throwed rolls from tonight ;)

Oh and real quick, I have been drinking more water too.  Yesterday I was listening to the camp dave fit segment on lex and terry and they were talking about Mio, a water additive.  No cals or sugars.  The nearby gas station had only one flavor (energy...has caffeine) but it's good.  I'll have to try a few other flavors at the grocery store next time.

Until next time!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Program 2 - Week 1

I started up a new workout program on Sunday.  For this program I switched the days to sun, tues, thurs, sat.  I set the difficulty on medium for this program.  The last one was on easy for the first three workouts then I switched to medium.    I think the game wanted me to choose the 9 week program instead of another 3 week, but I have a few trips coming up that i would have to miss some workouts.  I'll start that one up after the texas trip.

Overall thoughts after the first three this time on medium is they seem a bit easy.  Some of this may be I'm used to it, but most of it is not.  This makes me think based on the cals burned, it starts off easy and as you get further into the program the workouts get harder, longer, and burn more cals.  I remember the last workout of the first program was the hardest.

For example:  This program I lost 90.1, 96.6, and 81.0 cals.  The first on easy were: 86.6, 92.4, 73.1 cals.  
So the medium 1-3 were an increase of an avg of 5 cals.    So based on last time (135 cals) next workout will be a doozy....great....  Guess the cals wont fall off themselves.

Oh on another note,  I read on a few sites that cutting out cokes and drinking more water is a good way to lose weight.  Well I had already cut my consumption down at work the past month to where I was sometimes not even finishing one can for the whole work day.  Well Tuesday, I went cold turkey....and now for 3 days I have not had a coke...or anything similar.  I did have tea tues night at the chinese restaurant but it was unsweet and that's supposed to be a fine substitute.  You know how much water you're supposed to drink a day?  Well for me it says almost 2.5 liters.  That's a freaking lot of water.  That's close to 4 20oz bottles.  I figure if I can drink 2 at work (which I have almost done the past two days...still a lot of water) and then have water or tea during the evening it will get me close enough.  Makes me pee more that's for sure. ;)

Oh after doing workout #1 last sunday the weigh-in had me at 168 lbs.  Going the right direction.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Big red done stamp

3 week program 1 ->

And was it was Doooooozy.  I swear I thought it was on hard when I did the first half of the workout, but no it was on medium.  27 workouts I think but a huge jump in cals.  Luckily, no evil strides but there was plenty of leg work with foot fires, jump rope, running, and mountain boarding.  I had the weights on my wrists for about the first third, but then they came off.  Now I did do a "workout" at work today.  I had to reprogram and check out radios in 27 busses.  That includes carrying my service monitor from the shop up into the bus and back for over half of that because my watt meter cable went bad. So it was not like I was slacking.

So for the final stats for the workout: Time: 33:05, cals: 192.6 (not a typo), avg bpm: 134, max: 177.

Total cals burned with the three week program: 1440.

BTW this was done on Wed.  I would have updated the blog but for some reason our internet went down, but I got it sorta fixed yesterday.  Planning on starting up a new 3 weeker tomorrow.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Manic Monday

Getting close to the end of this 3 week workout plan and today was a rough workout.  But before that today was the last day of the memorial day weekend.

  Got a bad burn yesterday on my shoulder.  Guess none of the lotion made it that way.  So it hurt all last night and still today.  Was glad Danielle slept in and didn't want to go anywhere today.  She did get to play in her mini pool with a couple of her friends today.  Lunch was Qdoba today esp since they were having a BOGO deal.   They now have new wheat tortillas.  It was good.  Oh and this morning I added half a banana in the Cream of Wheat.  It tasted better.

Anyways, back to the workout.  Bleh.  Supposedly it said concentrating on upper body, but I swear they had 3 leg strides and 2 or 3 mountain climber (very similar) and some running.  BOOOO!  I got to knockout the workout a bit earlier since Jen was watching the girls outside.

Der staz: Time: 27:55, Cal: 126.9, Avg bpm: 135, Max: 169.  28 activities.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Heinz Tomato......Catch up!

Well I am a bit behind.  Sunday night and I'm watching the Coke 600....so I need to get the blog caught up.  It's been a busy extended Memorial Day weekend with one day left.  Start off with Thursday which I took off.  Danielle was very busy playing with all the neighboring kids.  Count em 6 including Danielle not the whole time but some of the time all together..and playing in and around her rinky dink pool.  But she had a good time.  Ended up playing with some of them for about 6 hours.  Also I installed a new kitchen faucet.  It looks nice esp compared to the old one that came with the house.

Friday was back to work but also a workout night.  And man the game thought it was funny and thew up a tough one with doing leg strides three different times. BLEH!  Concentrating mainly on lower body, it was a doozy esp since all my workouts since that day I changed are all on medium level.  Extra weights stayed on the wrists.  Stats: Time:  27:52, cals: 143.9, avg bpm: 138, max: 179.  28 tough activities in that workout.

Saturday what did we do yesterday?  We did have a family dinner with the inlaws and her brother at Famous Dave's BBQ.  Ya know BBQ is a part of the Texan diet :)    Did my Saturday workout that night.  A full body workout and no evil  strides!  WOO!  Weights went on the ankles.  It was still a workout, but it went smoother with less breaks during the workout.  Main things were foot fires and skipping (jump rope).  Stats: Time: 26:27, cals: 139.5, avg bpm: 128, max: 167.  25 workouts but it felt a lot better than Friday's workout.

  Oh yeah for breakfast I tried some Cream of Wheat Instant Healthy Grain.

I got it because it looked to be really healthy.  7g protein, 6g fiber, 0 sugars.
Zero taste :(  I ate it with water, but it was pretty rough.  That afternoon we had to do a bit of grocery shopping and I got some bananas.  It should taste better next time.

Sunday (today) was a day off workout, but it really wasn't.  We went to White Water (waterpark in Branson) and were down there for about 6 hours.  It was sunny, windy, and warm (high topped around 90).
Lots of walking and getting wet....a good time.  Danielle loved this ride.  She hadn't been on it before, but I think we went on it 5 times in a row before the park closed. (no that's not us) ;)

Well when I got home (we had BT Bones for dinner.  I had a pretty good steak), I loaded up Wii Fit to check my weight.  It said 169.5 pounds.  Going down :)  Prob not as fast as it could since I still eat some stuff that's not "diet food", but I am eating better and less.  Best thing is my main goal is feeling better...and that I am doing already!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Blade Runner - a8

As I start this blog tonight, Blade Runner is starting on 539.  Good movie.  But you know who's in this movie?  Duh of course "him"...but look at some of the other actors that are not the first couple of names:  Edward James Olmos and Daryl Hannah.  And it starts out....3 years ago.  Made 30 years ago...now you feel old.

As for EA workout #8, it was more than a coke workout. ???   Coke has 140 cals.  So far the most I have done in these workouts was 131.  It was going to concentrate on lower body so I knew it would be a doozy.  After looking through the 25 activity list, I didn't see the evil ones so on went the weights on the legs.  It was rough...but not evil.  Worked up a good sweat...which reminded me after it was over that I need to find the sweat band I bought.  Did some mountain boarding, sumo squats (no diaper needed), and some foot fires to name a few.

Stats: Time: 27:37, Cals: 149.7, Avg heart rate: 134, Max: 178.

Tomorrow Just Dance 3 goes back.  I'll do another workout with it before then.  Did the "Just Sweat" mode the night before and boy did I.  I picked the 80s group of songs and danced through them.  I think there were 5...maybe 6.  Funniest thing and it was ROFL funny was the way they choreographed the KISS song I was Made for Loving You.  They may have as well been a "happier" version of the cast from "Queer Eye"


Monday, May 21, 2012


Well I tried out those weights at full weight in my workout today (2.5 lbs each).  And yep I could tell the difference.  It wasn't too bad on the wrists or the legs until I had to the dern legs strides twice... and a new one called mountain climbers (also twice).  It's pretty much the same thing just lower to the ground.  After one of those that was enough on the legs.  Though when they did the short runs and walks, I moved the weights back to my ankles.  I can see me getting another pair so I can have them on wrists and ankles at the same time.  I have to pause the game when I want to switch.

After that had some good ol BBQ chicken pizza.  Nah it wasn't on the diet, but it was good and I didn't consume mass quantities.  Then after dinner Jen wanted to take Duke for a walk.  Time to walk off some cals.
I put the weights back on my ankles and we had a good mile walk around the subdivision.

Tomorrow will be time for some more Just Dance 3.  Only have it a few more days.

Oh and onto the stats:  26 activities, Time: 26:11 (took a bit longer since I was switching weight locations during it), 98.8 cals burned (felt like more with the weights - dunno if it factors that in by heart rate or not), avg heart rate: 126, max:165.

Total cals so far: 788.

Thinking about breakfast shakes.  My smoothy place on the way to work closed a couple months back.  May hafta start making some.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Rock em Sock em Workout

We'll call this a weekend post.  Yesterday was workout day and today is a day off.   The workout was good.  I kept in on normal/medium level and I am planning to keep it there.  My body is getting used to it.  A6 wasn't too rough being a full body workout.  No leg strides woo.   But they did have one called foot fires..reminded me of what football players do when they squat and move their feet slightly off the ground quickly.   A lil bit of basketball integrated into this one.

The stats:  Workout time: 22:40, Cal burned: 106.9 Avg Heart Rate: 130.  Max: 177

So, why no update last night during the OKC game (which they won)?  We rented Wolverine's rock em sock em robots movie.  AKA - Real Steel.  It was pretty good.

Today we had a dance workout.  While at the rental store, I also picked up Just Dance 3. This afternoon all three of us danced to some songs.  Jen was laughing hard when we did Land of 1000 Dances by Wilson Pickett.  It was a good time.  I'll have to play some more with game the next few days because it may be worth purchasing.  $20-$30 depending on where I want to get it.  Not much :)

Oh yeh forgot....went to walmart this afternoon and I found some wrist/ankle weights  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Gold-s-Gym-5-lb.-Pair-Adjustable-Ankle-Wrist-Weights/14894524

This should be a good addition that I can add to my wrists or ankles.  Each one has  6 separate bags to increase the weight up to 2.5 lbs.  They have a 10 lb adjustable set (2 5lb weights) but I figured that would be too much starting out.

Friday, May 18, 2012

A5 and TV

Hmm guess I should mention the OKC - LA game since I just turned it on.  Another close one going into halftime.  Maybe OKC should pay me since they have won the last two while I have blogged.  I'd flip on the truck race but I had to record the replay which starts in an hour.  Already had 2 shows recording at the 8pm hour - Supernatural and Grimm - two shows that we both (esp Jen) like.

Speaking of shows, it seems fewer shows appeal to us on network tv.  The shows we or I watch get canned  and replaced by a cheap to make "reality" show.  Fox is very bad about this. Cable channels esp SYFY are doing the same.   After Eureka (love that show) gets canned at the end of summer, how many actual sci-fi shows will be on syfy?  Almost none.

  I do like the Nascar truck races.  Usually it's the best race of the three on the weekend.  It's been rough so far this year...too many off weekends to start the season, but now it will start picking up.  This year I'm pulling for Ty Dillon and Ron Hornaday.  Been a Hornaday fan since he started driving for KHI.  And it's great watching both Dillons (Austin and Ty) climbing the ranks.

Did I do a workout today????  Yeh ;)   After doing the evil workout on Wednesday I was really expecting to feel it on Thurs.............but.....  I didn't.  Maybe a lil bit but it wasn't that bad.  So, I left today's workout on Medium.  Yesterday was a day off so why not?  Today was 26 activities, full body workout (more balanced), and they threw in some soccer.  Luckily I didn't have to go grab a ball and kick it at the TV.  ;)

Not too bad.  They did throw in a couple of stride jumps...bleh, but I did better.  Those
(besides tiring me out) hurt the balls of my feet the most.   Oh it also give you medals for meeting certain achievements.  Today I went over 500 total cals (though I was close to that last time). It's kinda cool to see them pop up.

Stats:  Workout time: 21:59,  Cals burned: 103.3, Avg Heart rate: 131, Max: 172,  Total Cal: over 600.  That short medium workout I did a few days back did not count in the 3 week workout.  That's why the cal numbers seem off. The initial goals it set was 600.  So I set the next one to 700 in 7 days.  I think it means 7 workout days.  If I keep it on medium it's a good goal.

Time to relax....the next workout is tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A4 Crazy train

I had this crazy idea that since I did two last time one on easy and a short on normal that for today's workout I'd put it on normal.  DUMB IDEA!@@!!!!

Got OKC - LA on right now...close game this time and as they go to commercial you hear on the PA at the game "Everybody dance now"  I said NO I'm done dancing and sweating for tonight.  FYI the song was Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) by C+C Music Factory.  How appropriate.  I'm worn out.

Well anyways... I load it up on normal and it says tonight it will be concentrating on lower body.  I know it's going to be rough.  It has 24 activities.  I think 8 were warmup/cooldown.  But god those stride jumps and lunges about put me under.   I know at least 3 activs were those. I had to take a few breaks during those.  My legs were jelly midway through the 24.  But I persevered with more pauses and drinking a full water bottle and got it done.  I'm so going to pay for it tomorrow.  On the good side there was a new fun actvitiy.  This time it was mountain boarding.  Nice to have these to make it seem like not work.  Only had one though...bah.

Anyways on for the stats:   Workout time: 27:59, Cals burned: 135.3., Avg Heart rate: 124, Max: 170, Total cals burned: 479

Monday, May 14, 2012

Workout #3

As I write this OKC is manhandling the Lakers  100-70 with 10 mins left in the game.  Go Thunder...sure I'd rather it be the Mavs playing....

No workout on Sunday.  Mother's Day and my legs wanted a break.  So I made up for it today.  This evening we played some Michael Jackson.  It was funny when Jen was moving Danielle's hands in the zombie positions when we were doing Thriller.  I'm doing good to get 1 or 2 stars, but when we did that again Jen hit 4 out of 5 (or 5 out of 6)...  I'd say I did between 6-8 songs.  Though one flaw with that game is their is no setlist.  Had to pick a new song after one ended.

Then tonight something must have spiked my water.  I did 2 workouts with EA2.  The first one was part of my 3 week workout...set to easy.  22 activities and I'd say about 7 or 8 of those are warmup/cooldown - same as first 2 days.  It concentrated more on upper body today. Stats-------------------  Time: 18:01, Cal burned: 71.7, avg heart rate: 117, Max: 146.    After I was done I was sweating a bit, but it didn't feel like that hard of a workout.  After thinking for a moment and realizing I didn't workout yesterday and tomorrow is also a day off, I looked to do another one.

This time I went into another menu "my workouts".  Here you can build your own or have the trainer do it.  I let them with these parameters:  short 10-15, normal workout, full body.  Well hell it was definitely a sweating workout.  14 activities and only 4 were warmup/cooldown.  Near the end of middle 10 were these killer leg strides...kinda like those cross country machines...but without the machine.  I had to do those in the 1st workout today and I had problems keeping my arms alternating with my legs but there were only about 40.  With this 2nd quick workout the reps killed me --- 80 i think (plus add in all the stuff I had done tonight).  Had to stop a few times in that one and I was soooooooo glad to be done with that.  Drank over a full water bottle tonight.

Stats for the 2nd workout and you can compare it to the 1st one.   Time: 14:36, Cal burned: 73.1, avg heart rate: 138 bpm, Max: 180

Total cals burned tonight 144...total overall: 344

Now time to get ready and head down to Best Buy for the midnight release of Diablo 3.  Woo!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A2 - Day 2

Well today was a 2 part workout.  The game in the evening and going to SDC today.  We were there for about 5 hours and the weather was nice (partly cloudy and low 70s).  Mainly it was going back and forth between the kid rides (I do plan to get Danielle on thunderation this year).  Also took in the bluegrass  - the inlaws were down there for this.  I think it was Rhonda Vincent we saw performing.  But of course I planned to enjoy the other half of the festival --- BBQ :) Had a good beef brisket sandwich and bbq beans.  Bah I made up for it by walking through the park and carrying Danielle when she was "tired".

And tonight was workout 2 with 20 activities/exercises.  This time they mixed in some basketball and mountain biking.  Yesterday was soccer.  I don't know if the workouts were tougher or I was more worn out by SDC, but it was a sweaty workout for sure.  I found out yesterday that it's a good idea to have some bottled water nearby.

The split leg lunge thing (forgot what its called) was a doozy.  Some activities they will repeat in the workout. That was one.  The first time I did it the armband remote was squirly and lost connection mid way through.  I needed that break, heh.  Basketball defense was good and relaxing...swiping while squatting and some jumping.  There are a lot of different activities.  I've only done the same two on day1 and day2 and those were part of the cooldowns.

Day 2 is in the books...tomorrow is an off day.  Will prob play some MJ dance since it has to go back to the store Monday.  Final numbers:  

Workout time: 20:31
Cals burned: 92.4
Avg heart beat: 116  Max : 156bpm
Total cals burned so far: 199

Friday, May 11, 2012

Active 2 - Day 1

Green flag is out for Day 1.  Got everything set up after I got home including the resistance band, arm band/heart rate monitor and leg band.    Put all my info in (it weighed me at 175) and picked the 3 week cardio workout on easy.  There's also medium and hard but we'll save those for later.  There are more options like a 9 week fitness program and custom ones, but someone recommended starting off with the 3 week.

Then I chose which 4 days to workout (I picked Fri, Sat, Mon, Wed) ---sidenote I'll prob integrate (PLAY) ;) a dance game or something else on the off days.  Those can be good workouts too.  Then it started off with workout #1 with 22 exercises.  Warmup stretching etc...then the red flag come out on #7 of 22.  Time to stop and go eat...PIZZA!!!

OK, figured you'd need a laugh.  It's true... we had planned last night to go eat Bud and Walts when I got home tonight.  Since Danielle was playing on the computer, I figured I'd have enough time to at least try it out before we left.

Couple hours later and I get back into it hoping I can start where I left off.  If that is possible, I did not find it....start over with Exercise 1.   And midway through..my daughter wants to join in....and borrow the resistance band...and ask questions...and watch her...and.....  So I let her use the band during the demos of how to do the exercise and when its not needed.  She tries doing some of the exercises (the tougher ones) but stops and goes back to having fun lifting the band and making mommy try too.

Cooldown hits around #19 or 20 and man I need it.   Around 12-18 got that blood pumping.  I thought it was funny that #21 was called pretzel!!!  Now wait is it teasing me? :)

Results:  a bit over 100 calories total lost.  From workout 1 ->  20 minutes ( that does not include quick breaks or loading)  86.6 cals burned, and avg heart beat 123 bpm.  Not much but gotta start on the bottom rung to climb the ladder.


quick review:    I definitely got my money's worth and can see myself sticking with this.  I agree with others saying to not use the wii fit board because my first short workout attempt it timed out twice on me.  I turned it off after that. I have a step I made a few years ago (to make the wii board higher) that I can use when needed.

Active 2?

How did I choose this game....with a lot of surfing and reviewing.   This site really helped in reviewing exercise games for the wii since I really hadn't looked in a few years.  Yes, I know that EA pulled the plug on the online server last month, but that was not a necessity.  Plus amazon was selling it for $25.  It originally cost $100.  And I wanted a decent workout game that was a good workout but backs it up with fun.  Less thinking of chore and more of fun!  Ordered Tuesday...came in today.

  Some other games that caught my eye that made their list is Just Dance 3, Punch Out, and Zumba 2.  I already have Just Dance (1) which all 3 of us have had good times with and wii fit and wii sports.  Good thing is a movie rental store has all 3 of those so we can try them out first.  They also have Michael Jackson experience which I rented Wednesday and we played that some.  Good music....bad dancing by me (but we had a good time).  Jen's the dancer in the house...I'm the singer.  And Danielle is having fun.  Zumba may be more towards Jen's style than mine.  Punch Out might be fun since the wii sports and wii fit boxing is a good workout.  And JD3 sounds like they got rid of bugs from JD1 and added a good workout mode.  We'll see when I get around to renting it in the next few weeks.

why the nonsense

What brought all this exercise nonsense I mentioned up?

Short answer - Sometimes I feel fat.  Don't most of us.  Did I exercise before...been awhile.  In fact the Wii Fit told me it had been over 600 days since it last saw me.  Yeah, been awhile....

Two different occasions while working down at SDC (silver dollar city) carrying my toolbox.  Now mind it IS heavy (though not as heavy as my service monitor).  It weighs in around 28 pounds and carrying it halfway across the very hilly park is a workout   Also going up a few flights of stairs to get to the repeater with this equipment winded me.  And it shouldn't....in my mind.

There's been other times when the feeling fat hits...nothing noteworthy.  Except when Jen and I were looking through some honeymoon photos from 99 and one photo I looked very skinny.  BAH.  Sure as ya get older it gets harder to keep the weight off and no I don't think I want to get THAT weight...but I need to shed some pounds and unlike 2 years ago keep them off.

Wii fit forgot my name...called me mommy ;)  But it did make sure it told me I had gained almost 12 pounds since my last visit (less than 2 years ago).  Yeh that was about what I lost when I used it back then.   Am I really fat?  Well that term is really vague and can be defined by whomever however.  Obese, no.  Fat, no.  Overweight yes.  Need to lose a good bit, yes.  So the Wii told me I was at 174...*sigh*.  What am I shooting for?  First goal -> 160.  Second -> 150.  Final:  around 135.

Randy's been doing it and so has Don.  Now it's my turn.  And maybe this time I'll stick with it.

So to end this post, I'll start off with a couple great comments I saw on another blog (no relation to me):

"That EA sports program is not practical. There is no place to hang your clothes or collect dust…"

You’re not that far out of shape; you’re “Ripped like a Marshmellow”!!


FIRST!  ;)   Ok, why this blog?  Main reason is to keep me motivated while I start my new exercise regimen.  This time it will be mainly with EA Sports Active 2.  I have never done a blog before so we'll see how this goes and it'll get better as I get a clue to what I am doing.  And who knows, you may be bored enough to follow along.

Explanation of the title:  Dusting off the mind and body.  This blog will be two-fold.One will be random thoughts about who knows what and the other will be to track how I am doing with this attempt at shedding some pounds.