Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A4 Crazy train

I had this crazy idea that since I did two last time one on easy and a short on normal that for today's workout I'd put it on normal.  DUMB IDEA!@@!!!!

Got OKC - LA on right now...close game this time and as they go to commercial you hear on the PA at the game "Everybody dance now"  I said NO I'm done dancing and sweating for tonight.  FYI the song was Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) by C+C Music Factory.  How appropriate.  I'm worn out.

Well anyways... I load it up on normal and it says tonight it will be concentrating on lower body.  I know it's going to be rough.  It has 24 activities.  I think 8 were warmup/cooldown.  But god those stride jumps and lunges about put me under.   I know at least 3 activs were those. I had to take a few breaks during those.  My legs were jelly midway through the 24.  But I persevered with more pauses and drinking a full water bottle and got it done.  I'm so going to pay for it tomorrow.  On the good side there was a new fun actvitiy.  This time it was mountain boarding.  Nice to have these to make it seem like not work.  Only had one though...bah.

Anyways on for the stats:   Workout time: 27:59, Cals burned: 135.3., Avg Heart rate: 124, Max: 170, Total cals burned: 479

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