Tuesday, June 19, 2012

10 down!

Woo did my weigh in after tonight's workout and it said I weighed 165.  That's down 10 pounds from the start of the game.  I have heard the first 10 are the easiest to lose, but hey 10 is 10!  And throw in missing Saturday and Sunday's workouts and eating Six Flags foods and drinking Cokes I'd say that is pretty good :)
More about this weekend later.....

First,  I had missed workout 5...or so I had thought.  The next morning I loaded up the game and found out that i could do missed workouts and it counts.  So for workout 5 I lost 97.8 cals.  And come Thursday's workout # 7 I lost 96.4 cals.

Last week I think I posted about Mio and their water additive....no sugar, cals etc.  Well i went to the grocry store and purchased two additional flavors:  Strawberry Watermelon and Sweet Tea.  I LOVE both of them.  The Strawberry watermelon one is a nice light refreshing drink.  It's nice to have in the morning or afternoon.

  Sweet Tea is as good as my gallon sweet tea I always made with a lipton family size tea bag and a cup of sugar (mixed when the water is boiling).  It is that good.  Before I bought that Mio, I made some sweet tea with only a half a cup of sugar.   That was all I had left plus I was trying to cut my sugar intake.  It was NASTY.  I would rather have water.  Now I have my 20oz water bottl and 2 squirts of mio sweet tea and I'm good to go.  Can't wait to try more flavors!

Oh yes, Six Flags.  We went there on Sat.  It was hot (high was 94 I think).  Add in the heat to a lot of walking (it is a theme park) and there's a workout there.  Add in to going back to the hotel and going on their elliptical for 16 minutes and losing 120 cals. It would have been longer but Danielle was getting bored and wanted to play some shuffleboard.  So even though I "missed" Sat and Sun workouts, I kinda made up for it.  Danielle actually went on this spinning coaster ride.  She really surprised us!  And the huge Ferris Wheel?  I think we rode that 3 times.

Oh and tonight's workout (#10)?  Another 136.9 cals lost.  Doesn't make up for Arby's tonight, but my lunch was light.  Until next time!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Anybody but the Heat

1 down 3 to go.  Since the Mavs aren't playing tonight, I'm pulling for OKC.  Actually I didn't care if it was San Antonio or OKC as long as they beat the heat...not one or two but every time ;)

Well I would give you a 3 fer workout review but #5 was missed on Sunday.  Too much going on and most of it was not inside the house.  You can't move workout days on the schedule too.  oh well.  Will be missing one this Sat also but that's what happens when the summer rolls around.

Oh a bit of extra info.  In the game there are 4 cooldown activities.  During this time I also get 1 aggravation. CAT attack!  Every single day during cooldown patches just has to get right next to me on the floor and basically pester me for lovin.

So, onto workout 4.  And like the first program in which I went crazy and switched from easy to medium on workout 4 which is one of the hardest workouts of the program....I did it this time too.   What did I do?   More weights.....

Those are 5 pounds each.  My plan was to use the previous ones (2.5 max each) for my wrists and those for my ankles.  I figured 5 was too much to jump into so I removed 2 lbs.  At 3 lbs it was still pretty heavy....esp for this evil workout.

I slogged through it with a few breaks.  Workout 6 was not that bad.  Here's the stats for both.

4 ---> Time: 27:14, Cals: 129.4, Avg bpm: 142, Max 180
6 --->  time: 24:24, Cals: 108.9, Avg bpm: 132, Max 173

I compared the numbers to program 1 and they are very close.  I guess the cals burned are based more on the workout instead of  how hard you do it (ie extra weights).  Not sure how much bpm figures into the formula.  But I know I'm getting extra burn with the added 11 lbs of weights.  Good thing too...I might have worked off one or two throwed rolls from tonight ;)

Oh and real quick, I have been drinking more water too.  Yesterday I was listening to the camp dave fit segment on lex and terry and they were talking about Mio, a water additive.  No cals or sugars.  The nearby gas station had only one flavor (energy...has caffeine) but it's good.  I'll have to try a few other flavors at the grocery store next time.

Until next time!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Program 2 - Week 1

I started up a new workout program on Sunday.  For this program I switched the days to sun, tues, thurs, sat.  I set the difficulty on medium for this program.  The last one was on easy for the first three workouts then I switched to medium.    I think the game wanted me to choose the 9 week program instead of another 3 week, but I have a few trips coming up that i would have to miss some workouts.  I'll start that one up after the texas trip.

Overall thoughts after the first three this time on medium is they seem a bit easy.  Some of this may be I'm used to it, but most of it is not.  This makes me think based on the cals burned, it starts off easy and as you get further into the program the workouts get harder, longer, and burn more cals.  I remember the last workout of the first program was the hardest.

For example:  This program I lost 90.1, 96.6, and 81.0 cals.  The first on easy were: 86.6, 92.4, 73.1 cals.  
So the medium 1-3 were an increase of an avg of 5 cals.    So based on last time (135 cals) next workout will be a doozy....great....  Guess the cals wont fall off themselves.

Oh on another note,  I read on a few sites that cutting out cokes and drinking more water is a good way to lose weight.  Well I had already cut my consumption down at work the past month to where I was sometimes not even finishing one can for the whole work day.  Well Tuesday, I went cold turkey....and now for 3 days I have not had a coke...or anything similar.  I did have tea tues night at the chinese restaurant but it was unsweet and that's supposed to be a fine substitute.  You know how much water you're supposed to drink a day?  Well for me it says almost 2.5 liters.  That's a freaking lot of water.  That's close to 4 20oz bottles.  I figure if I can drink 2 at work (which I have almost done the past two days...still a lot of water) and then have water or tea during the evening it will get me close enough.  Makes me pee more that's for sure. ;)

Oh after doing workout #1 last sunday the weigh-in had me at 168 lbs.  Going the right direction.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Big red done stamp

3 week program 1 ->

And was it was Doooooozy.  I swear I thought it was on hard when I did the first half of the workout, but no it was on medium.  27 workouts I think but a huge jump in cals.  Luckily, no evil strides but there was plenty of leg work with foot fires, jump rope, running, and mountain boarding.  I had the weights on my wrists for about the first third, but then they came off.  Now I did do a "workout" at work today.  I had to reprogram and check out radios in 27 busses.  That includes carrying my service monitor from the shop up into the bus and back for over half of that because my watt meter cable went bad. So it was not like I was slacking.

So for the final stats for the workout: Time: 33:05, cals: 192.6 (not a typo), avg bpm: 134, max: 177.

Total cals burned with the three week program: 1440.

BTW this was done on Wed.  I would have updated the blog but for some reason our internet went down, but I got it sorta fixed yesterday.  Planning on starting up a new 3 weeker tomorrow.